Shenanigans of an American trying to navigate a new country

Who you gonna call?

Ghostbus TOURS! (I really hope they did that on purpose). Per the usual, I’m late blogging. But seriously, Do Dublin for the win again. Every time I’ve visited Dublin, I have always wanted to do their Ghost Tour. It runs all year but around Halloween, they seem to have way more times. So, Rob and …


From Omaha to Clonskeagh

Getting Ireland was an adventure all on its own. Flying with a 60lb dog? Not that simple. I found a wonderful company called Pet Relocation who helped coordinate Gertrud’s entire move ( Rebecca, Irene, and Jennifer communicated with me throughout Gertrud’s entire process. They helped get her paperwork completed so she did not have to …


Being a tourist

I haven’t posted in a while; I had some visitors (yay family!) and then took a cooking course last week. Yummy! My brother, Matt, and his wife, Nancy, visited a couple weeks ago. It was so good to see family. We picked them up bright and early from the airport and had a full Irish …


Helmets are for safety

I’m pretty sure I haven’t ridden a bicycle in about 20 years (I can’t be sure, I’d have to double check with my mom). Dublin seems to be very cycle friendly. There are cycle lanes on all the major roads and people cycle every where. So Rob and I got bicycles. He’s already cycling to …


Céad míle fáilte

This weekend was all about celebrating. Friday we had our appointment at immigration. To say immigration here is easier than back home would be an understatement. After a little over two hours, I officially have permission to remain in Ireland for 3 years! If our immigration system was that easy, I’d still be in the …


Making my way downtown

Rob started work on Monday so true to who I am as a person, I moped around the house. My anxiety does tend to get the best of me from time to time and being on my own for the first time since we got here, I figured I’d hide inside. Since rob didn’t have …


A beautiful day in the neighborhood

Getting settled here. Rob has been going up the the hospital to meet his new colleagues, we’ve both gotten set up at the gym so now I actually have to work out (ugh!), and Gertrud is getting to know her new settings. Our little neighborhood is absolutely adorable! But the rain! It literally rains EVERY. …
