Shenanigans of an American trying to navigate a new country

Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 RESULTS

Sheep in the road; oysters from the bay

In light of the pandemic, Ireland is recommending “staycations.” I’m not Irish (news flash), so I’m not speaking from experience, but I’ve been told that in the summer you hop on a plane and go on a summer holiday somewhere else in Europe. Somewhere sunnier, somewhere warmer, preferably somewhere with a beach that you can …


A Feminist; A Broad

This blog post is all over the place, disjointed, and full of bad jokes. It is a complete reflection of how I feel on the inside. Emotions all over the place, disjointed, and filling my life with bad jokes to avoid the tears. Broads When I first started this blog, it was obviously supposed to …


Guinness Black Treacle Brown Soda Bread

When I came to Ireland with Rob the first time in 2016, I loved the brown bread. It was served with every meal at every B&B we stayed at. In the morning, there was brown bread with Irish butter and jam. Lunch and dinner were always served with a side of brown bread and butter …


Sourdough Discard Scones

I decided I needed a new project for the quarantine. I’m not sure how I came to the conclusion but I decided to try to make a sourdough starter. Turns out the rest of Ireland, or at least Limerick, had the same idea. Maybe not making sourdough, but definitely baking. The grocery store was completely …


Kevin Wallace Tayto-Cunningham

After a LOT of discussion, I finally convinced Rob I needed a new dog. Or, more importantly, Gertrud needed a friend/sibling. Trust me, she’s lonely; she was BEGGING for a friend. Now, we can’t forget the last time I brought home a second dog. This bitch was the worst! She ran away and Rob, my …


I hate prime numbers

It’s been a while since my last post. I’ve been wallowing in self pity for a while. But it’s SNOWING today so I figured, what a perfect day to blog! Mom and grandma came to visit for my birthday a couple weeks ago. 37…woof! I hate prime numbers but oh well. Anyway….This was my mom’s …
