Rob started work on Monday so true to who I am as a person, I moped around the house. My anxiety does tend to get the best of me from time to time and being on my own for the first time since we got here, I figured I’d hide inside.

Since rob didn’t have to be into work until later on Tuesday, he decided I should drive him to work and pick him up. I can’t believe they just let me drive here! The steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car, I have to drive on the wrong side of the road, and the roads are so narrow! But away we went! I didn’t hit any cyclists and I’m pretty sure I obeyed all the traffic laws.

Oh, and it’s a manual transmission. Not a problem, per se. I’m perfectly capable of driving a stick. but the gears are on the left side….I kept reaching to my right to change gears and nope! Ok, reach to the left, got it.

Today I decided it was time to use public transport by myself. Got on the bus just fine but then trying to figure out where to get off. HELP! I just watched my bus app and counted down stops until I got to the one I wanted, got off that bus, then got on a different bus to finish the trip. On an anxiety scale from 1-10, I was at an “I can barely breathe.” But I made it.

Had a cup of coffee with a new friend, chit chatted about how strange it is to be in a new city and a new country, then off I went. Decided to take the light rail, the Luas. It’s pronounced sort of like Louis but I just call it the Louie; I’m hoping to make that a thing while I’m here. I didn’t actually know where to swipe my bus card to ride so just hopped on. Turns out you’re supposed to swipe your bus card BEFORE you get on…Oh well, no one arrested me so that’s good!

Stopped to get a few things at the local mart then because traveling by bus and light rail is sooooo stressful, decided to get a bottle of wine at the off license which is a fancy name for liquor store. Didn’t bring the bags with me so I walked the rest of the way home with a bottle of wine, box of cereal, and thing of butter, you know, the essentials.

