I’m pretty sure I haven’t ridden a bicycle in about 20 years (I can’t be sure, I’d have to double check with my mom). Dublin seems to be very cycle friendly. There are cycle lanes on all the major roads and people cycle every where.

So Rob and I got bicycles. He’s already cycling to work. I have been suuuuper nervous about riding (the whole haven’t ridden in 20 years thing). But I got an amazing bike with basket and bell. And my helmet is hard core, can’t be too safe!!

It has a basket AND a bell!

So yesterday I decided it was time to take the bike out. Rob was with me so I figured he could show me the ropes. Everything started out just fine! But, some of the narrower roads don’t have cycle lanes, just got to share the lane. Traffic gets very close to you! So in my effort to not annoy the drivers, I was really hugging the curb. Needless to say, I bounced off the curb a few times and then just dumped the bike. Fall down, go boom!

But Rob was behind me so he came to my rescue!! I managed to get back on my bike and made it to the mall!! GOOOO ME!

Terrible selfie….helmet for safety

Woke up this morning and I’m sore all over. My hip hurts, my elbow hurts, my shoulder hurts. It’s a major frowny face! But that ice cream cone sure helped!

I’m not really sure when I’ll get back on my bike. I’m wondering if Rob should just trade it back in. I may not be cut out for this cycling thing.
