Shenanigans of an American trying to navigate a new country

Why I’m traveling

I met my husband in July of 2015. He is an Irish physician who, at the time, was completing his residency in Nebraska. I was 32 and sick of dead end dating. He was smart, handsome, nerdy….he was exactly what I’d been looking for. Tiny problem: he’s from Ireland. I didn’t have the slightest idea how our immigration system works. He tried explaining it all to me but I just figured, “if we get married he can stay.”

Turns out, life is never that simple. We did get married in June 2018. He was getting ready to start a fellowship in Danville, PA. Moving across the country was a HUGE change for me. Our goal was to get back to Omaha, though, so…adventure time!

When I married this man, I had no idea I’d be moving across the ocean for him!
Photo: ©

In April 2019 we found out we weren’t staying in the US. We couldn’t. His visa was expiring and we’d exhausted all our avenues to stay. For those who are confused: marrying a US citizen is not actually a fast pass to a green card. So here we are. Sitting at O’Hare waiting for our one way flight to Ireland. I never wanted to leave Omaha. Never had any plans of writing a blog. But life handed us lemons and I’m saying “fuck the lemons!” I might as well write about my experience. My husband has graciously agreed to come along for the ride.
