It’s been a while since my last post. I’ve been wallowing in self pity for a while. But it’s SNOWING today so I figured, what a perfect day to blog!

Mom and grandma came to visit for my birthday a couple weeks ago. 37…woof! I hate prime numbers but oh well. Anyway….This was my mom’s first international trip and I was so excited for her. She and grandma had a few hiccups getting here but they navigated Heathrow on their own so really, that pretty much makes mom a seasoned traveler.

Visiting Ireland in the winter isn’t really peek season. The wind is always blowing, it’s ALWAYS damp, and rains all day long. The cold here is so much different than back home; it seeps into your bones. Mom and grandma learned that the first day here.

Seriously, the wind is brutal!

I wanted to show both of them all my favorite parts of Ireland. One of my new favorite things to do is afternoon tea. It’s so posh! Sandwiches, followed by scones and then dessert?! Yes please! And all the tea – soooo many choices.

Adare Manor is such a great place to visit so I had to schedule tea there!

On Thursday we took the train to Dublin to do the bus tour. The bus tour never gets old! We had lunch on Grafton Street and walked around. For my birthday dinner I had to have fish and chips from the local chipper.

Fish and chips are so great! Toss all the food into the back, drench it in salt and vinegar and yum!

Saturday we went into Limerick for dinner and mom had to try a Guinness. We found a local pub and got mom a half pint.

Next time, we’ll for sure get her a full pint!

On Sunday, we went up to Lahinch and the Cliffs of Moher. The sun was shining so we tried to get the view in before the rain came back….

We failed miserably! The wind was so strong it nearly blew us over so we abandoned the expedition and let Rob drive us around to show us the sites.

After nine days that went way too fast, I dropped mom and Grandma back off at the airport. I’m already counting down to the next visit!
