Getting settled here. Rob has been going up the the hospital to meet his new colleagues, we’ve both gotten set up at the gym so now I actually have to work out (ugh!), and Gertrud is getting to know her new settings. Our little neighborhood is absolutely adorable!

Very quintessential Ireland

But the rain! It literally rains EVERY. DAY. Never a pouring rain like back home, but usually just a drizzle to light rainfall. Just enough to be annoying. It started raining on our walk home the other day and Rob says, “we should have checked the weather.” …..Ooooor just assume it’s going to rain every day.

Just a typical overcast day

And we’re really making friends with the neighbors!

We didn’t realize that our security system has a motion detector so we’d set it and go run errands and apparently Gertrud was setting it off. Who knew?! We actually are making friends with the neighbors though. I can’t remember her name but our one neighbor saw us sitting as the bus stop and picked us up and took us to the shopping center, so they must not hate us that much.

If you need rosemary, it grows like a weed here. In bushes!

But the seagulls! When we were in Omaha, someone on our street had a damn rooster and it would crow in the morning. The seagulls are next level, though. They screech and squawk first thing in the morning, right as the sun is coming up morning. Their squawks are a thing of nightmares. They sound like a woman screaming bloody murder. Legit, I’ve been having dreams about women being chased featuring the squawks of these seagulls.

Got myself set up with a bicycle – with a basket and bell!! – helmet, and safety vest. Super exciting. I can’t wait to post pictures, I hope I look as nerdy as I’m envisioning!
