I haven’t posted in a while; I had some visitors (yay family!) and then took a cooking course last week. Yummy!

My brother, Matt, and his wife, Nancy, visited a couple weeks ago. It was so good to see family. We picked them up bright and early from the airport and had a full Irish fry for breakfast. In the afternoon we wandered to Greystones (one of my favorite places here) and walked up and down the beach. It was such a nice day out!

It was also a blast doing the touristy things. Every time I’ve been to Dublin, I’ve always done the Do Dublin bus tour. It’s such a great way to get a brief synopsis of the history of Dublin but there are also tons of stops for you to do your own exploring.

We went to the National Art Museum and then the history museum. For lunch we made our way to Grafton Street and ate at Bewley’s.

After lunch we went to Trinity College. I have never actually been there on any of my other trips and it was so worth it! I felt like I was at Hogwarts!

So many BOOKS!

One afternoon, Matt, Nancy, and I wandered to a fishmonger in city center to find some oysters. I’ve been super excited to try out my shucking skills. There may or may not have been a few broken pieces of shell in the oysters, but no one was complaining.

The last night they were here, we went to a tapas restaurant for Rob’s birthday. The food was so good! There was an octopus dish on special and it was absolutely to die for.

A trip to Ireland is never complete without a couple pints of Guinness. We wandered down the road to a local pub and had some pints while chit chatting about nonsense.

On Saturday, Rob was on call so I drove Matt and Nancy to the airport, which was an adventure. Driving in Ireland still makes me anxious but we survived and they made their flight! I can’t wait for our next visitors!
