I don’t know if you know this, but I hate change. It makes me all sweaty and anxious. I’m pretty sure the look in my eyes is similar to a wildebeest right before it gets eaten by a lion. So navigating a new city is SO. MUCH. FUN! A list of firsts for me:

1. Tried to buy dog food for Gertrud. Found a local place, family owned, right up my alley. The dude working was super nice. One problem….He couldn’t understand a word I was saying. Rob had to translate. Who knew I had an accent?! Oh, and Gertrud loves knee caps. The smoked kind you can get from pet stores. I just assumed these were a thing everywhere. The guy seriously thought I had two heads when I asked if he had any of those…”Never had that request before.” Ok, great! Got the dog food, moving on.

2. Public transport, holy moly. Got on the 11, had a minor meltdown when Rob didn’t help me with my Euro, figured it out. HOLD ON TO YOUR ASS! The bus driver does not wait for you to sit….noted. We got off at St. Stephen’s Green – I only know this because Rob told me, I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m going to need a map, more than one map probably. A bus map, a city map, all the maps.

3. Traffic, oh my god, the traffic. It’s seriously the wacky races. Growing up: look left, then right, then left again. Here: look RIGHT, then left, the right again. If you don’t do this, you may get splattered under a double decker. And pedestrians DO NOT have the right of way. If your little man isn’t green, don’t walk! Unless you’re a local, they don’t seem to care if they get smoked by a bus.

After all that, We had a great time wandering around Grafton Street and looking at all the different shops. Or maybe that’s shoppes? Still trying to learn the language.

Glass (…bottle…) of champagne to celebrate our new home
