After a LOT of discussion, I finally convinced Rob I needed a new dog. Or, more importantly, Gertrud needed a friend/sibling. Trust me, she’s lonely; she was BEGGING for a friend. Now, we can’t forget the last time I brought home a second dog. This bitch was the worst! She ran away and Rob, my best friend, and my best friend’s husband were chasing her all over Omaha. Within a week of this event, she bit Rob. So back to the rescue she went. She is so infamous in our circle of friends that she actually got an honorable mention during our wedding ceremony.

So, we had to find a dog that fit in! We went to the local rescue and met a bunch of dogs. None of them were interested in Gertrud and she couldn’t have cared less about them. I really wanted to rescue another dog. I love Gertrud, she’s just the sweetest dog ever! But two rescues can be hard, they both come with baggage.

We found a lady whose poodle knocked up her french bulldog and the resulting pups were too cute for words. Hop in the car and road trip to Cork!

such a beautiful view!

Mom and dad were so friendly. Mama came right up to us begging for loves and dad hopped up into Rob’s lap and settled in. Gertrud was interested so we took our chances and brought home this little bundle of joy.

Meet Kevin!

I’ve never actually had a puppy. Gertrud came fully house trained, leash trained, and very well mannered. Kevin Wallace Tayto-Cunningham is a jerk! He puppy bites and runs all over (he stops to pee on the floor). BUT he is just the sweetest!

Side note on the name. I’ve always wanted a dog named Kevin. Just imagine yelling at your dog. “Kevin, come on man! Be cool!” Also it kind of sounds like Fenton. Please watch this video to understand why that is so funny.

I actually considered changing the name to Winston but by that point so many people had said to us, “you’re not actually calling him Kevin, are you?” we decided we had to keep it.

And Gertrud LOVES him! She is so patient with his jumping and puppy bites and generalized obnoxiousness. She will army crawl to get to his level when they play. I love them so much!

Potty training has been an adventure. I wake up every night at 0100 and then again at 0630. Then out first thing in the morning, right after eating. And don’t forget, if he stops playing…Run outside for a potty break or he’ll pee all over the floor. Done napping? Potty break.

We also learned a hard lesson, the cheap dog food he came home with equals diarrhea. Lots and lots of diarrhea. So with some new food on board, at least I’m not cleaning up poop 24/7.

Leash training has also been interesting. He’s not really sold on the idea. He would honestly rather be carried. That’s all well and good at 5lbs but when he gets to 20-25lbs, I’m not carrying his ass around.

Why walk when your humans will carry you?!

Cue obedience training. Mind you that’s been on hold given the coronavirus and self distancing and us being in lockdown (that deserves it own blog post). Stay tuned, I have a feeling this little guy is training me more than the other way around!
